Monday, June 25, 2012

Valley of Humiliation.

I've been blessed with the oppertunity to read a book called Humility  by Wayne Mack. Can I just say, that this book is totally and completely convicting. When a friend recommended this book to me, I'm ashamed to say that I automatically turned my nose up at the thought of even reading a book discussing the topic of humility. I even went so far as to say "I don't need to read about humility, I'm already so humble."  It wasn't until later that I realized that that was one of the most prideful things I think  could ever say.  It wasn't until I started to read this book that I've realized how unhumble I really am.

You know that term, "a piece of humble pie", this doesn't give you one piece of humble pie. It literally gives you like a panful of three humble pies and more. There are so many important points that I can relate to in this book. But the one that has really caught my eye, is where Mack writes about how God uses the Valley of Humiliation.  When I first read this section, I was like, "Wait, why is humility so important, and why would God want to take someone into the valley of humiliation?" But when I read the reasons, it was then that my eyes were opened.

God takes us into the valley of humiliation because :

1.)  He highly values humility and despises pride.

2.) We are so prone to pride and so averse to humility. 

3.) He wants to test and increase our faith.

4.) He wants to use the trials in our lives to produce enduracne so that we can become "perfect and complete, lacking in nothing" ( James 1:2-4)

~Wayne Mack~

Eye opening isn't it? Trust me after reading this section, I literally cried. In truth, whenever I'm placed in the valley of humiliation, I often find myself questioning God. So often, my faith slips instead of growing stronger. It's hard not to toss my hands up in utter defeat whenver I'm placed in a difficult situation.

  "Ultimately, as we grow in humility, we are becoming more and more like our Lord Jesus Christ, and that is a great privalage."

~Wayne Mack.