Saturday, December 8, 2012

16 random things at their finest....

December 8th, one day before it's officially my birthday. One more day of being 16, four hours before I turn the big one-seven. I can't say I'm going to feel any difference. Maybe I'll sprout wings or turn into a pumpkin at the strike of midnight. Who knows... but here's to ending the twelve month journey of being a sixteen year old. I thought I would do something completely random and maybe a little interesting for the rest of you. Since I'm sixteen for a few more hours, I thought I would post sixteen completely and utterly random things about me. Some of you, might already know these things, but..what the hay..let's have a little fun..and I'll live life to the fullest and enjoy being sixteen for a few more hours...Let's begin ...

1.)  I love basketball...I started playing right after I learned to walk.

2.) Math is my enemy.

3.) Daydreaming is my favorite past time.

4.) I'm shy..meeting new people and introducing myself is one of the hardest things for me

5.) I love to laugh and making others laugh.

6.) I'm a procrastinator.. pretty sure I both invented and defined the word

7.) Books are my best friends.

8.)  I'm adopted....from San Antonio, Texas

9.) Marrying a dude with a Cuban accent would be a dream come true for me.

10.)  I want to travel to Spain.

11.) I'm Mexican...and I hate Mexican food..well, I don't hate it..I just don't consider it my favorite.

12.)  Hallmark movies are my favorite.

13.) My favorite word is "peachy"

14.) I find people watching to be more entertaining than other things sometimes

15.) I have two birth sisters.

16.)  I like pie :3

Well, there you have it. Sixteen random..weird facts about me. I hope you enjoy it and maybe even learn something interesting. Now excuse me..while I go devour some cake and make myself sick on ice cream.

Bye Bye


k bai...for now...

.....or not ...


ok seriously..bye

>:) >:) >:) >:)  >:)  >:)  >:)  >:)



  1. Happy Birthday, Carmen!! =D I hope you have a wonderful day and eat much cake!

    And great post. Random facts are fun.


  2. I know I told you this yesterday, but Hapsy Birthdays! I hope you had a great day, you old seventeen year old person. ;)
