Saturday, March 10, 2012

Merry Christmas!!

Now, before you question the title of this post or quietly ask yourself "Has Carmen gone completely bonkers?"  I have a rational explanation for the title…sort of… Anyways, Merry Christmas…no seriously it was Christmas time back at the Parker house last Friday. I literally woke up to the sound of "Jingle Bells" from the stereo dowstairs and the smell of bacon wafting up the stairs.
 The reason for all this crazy shananigns you ask? Well my brother arrived home in one piece after seven monthths in Afghnistan. he was deployed all through Cgristmas so…haha when Zac arrived home we had Christmas all over again. Tree,music, presents and all that jazz.
 Best of all, my parents surprised me with the Hunger Games series. It's really funny…I read all three books in less then two days. Which were absoloutely wonderful the second time around. And by reading them again, my love for Peeta grew times a thousand. If were ever stuck on a deserted island, I would want Peeta as my compnion not stuck up Gale…ewww
  I will say this though- Gale is definately handome  in the movie. However, looks aren't everything…Peeta is still better and he always will be… case closed, end of story.

More later


  1. YAY! A post! I'm so glad you got the books for Christmas and that Zac was home!!

    And, ahem, Gale = awesomeness. don't. question. it.

  2. Haha yes! After two months I finally posted:)
    i too am happy to have my big bro home at last as well
    As for the Gale comment …the dude has too much ego and attitudefor my liking.
    Peeta is kind, and loving and just plain darling.
    I will say this though- Liam Hemsworh vs. Josh Hutcherson…Lm wins hands down.

    He is totally gorgeous.
